In Angela DeRiggi's blog about same-sex marriage there are a lot of points I agree with her. She is very open about it and her points make a lot of sense. Beginning with same-sex marriage is harmless. Its simply two people wanting to be and share a life together. With a lot of people against it for religious reasons and just any other beliefs they are trying to stop same-sex relation period.
It is hard for a same-sex couple to be together with everyone staring at them and judging them. It is true that we have our freedom and we can make our own choices, but that also gives people the right to judge and think whatever they want to think about same-sex couples. People that are in same-sex relations are human beings and have feelings like anyone else.
Same-sex marriage is a hard choice to want to make in a same-sex marriage because it is only legal in 17 states. As Angela explains and it make it harder for them to make a living someone where, where they are limited to what they can and cannot do. Its more than likely that there are people in more than 17 states that want to be with the same gender but its legally impossible for them to do that and stay happy with the people that they want to be with. As Angela explains in her blog, she'd rather have a same-sex couple take good care of a child than a man and a woman taking poor care of one.
Being with the same gender can be just as normal as a man and woman being together. They can be just as happy, just as successful in raising a child and successful financially. If they were just given a real chance to be together and be left alone without laws getting in the way it can change peoples way of thinking if they see how happy someone can really be in a different kind of relationship.