Friday, May 9, 2014

Same-sex marriage commentary

In Angela DeRiggi's blog about same-sex marriage there are a lot of points I agree with her. She is very open about it and her points make a lot of sense. Beginning with same-sex marriage is harmless. Its simply two people wanting to be and share a life together. With a lot of people against it for religious reasons and just any other beliefs they are trying to stop same-sex relation period.

  It is hard for a same-sex couple to be together with everyone staring at them and judging them. It is true that we have our freedom and we can make our own choices, but that also gives people the right to judge and think whatever they want to think about same-sex couples. People that are in same-sex relations are human beings and have feelings like anyone else.
 Same-sex marriage is a hard choice to want to make in a same-sex marriage because it is only legal in 17 states. As Angela explains and it make it harder for them to make a living someone where, where they are limited to what they can and cannot do. Its more than likely that there are people in more than 17 states that want to be with the same gender but its legally impossible for them to do that and stay happy with the people that they want to be with. As Angela explains in her blog, she'd rather have a same-sex couple take good care of a child than a man and a woman taking poor care of one.

  Being with the same gender can be just as normal as a man and woman being together. They can be just as happy, just as successful in raising a child and successful financially. If they were just given a real chance to be together and be left alone without laws getting in the way it can change peoples way of thinking if they see how happy someone can really be in a different kind of relationship.

Friday, April 25, 2014

U.S National Government #2

I agree with most of the U.S Government's parts in separating their powers. It helps because it would be a lot of pressure to have just a small group of people to take on a bunch of different rules for all the citizens. Having the Legislatives making the laws which the President doesn't participate in, its a really big job having the whole national being in your hands. They only pass so many laws in a period of time it might not seem too hard but it can be because they have to keep up with it. Making sure the laws are reasonable is also a big task because you have to make sure its helpful to the whole Nation. The executive which the President works in passing the laws making sure everything is passed down to them and having to approve takes a lot of thought putting into it. Sometimes the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet have the most pressure because they make sure its perfect before it reaches the Judicial. Its wells organized and planned out well to make sure the citizens get the best of laws set to them. Some people may not agree but the laws that matter most are usually the ones looked at, not so much ones that are personal problems for a citizen.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Decreasing Abortion

  I agree with Denise Garcia on her article Lets's decrease Abortions! Adoption is always an option! I agree entirely about the whole section especially when she explains that we should all take responsibility of our own actions especially our mistakes! It is true that even if we have afford to have the baby we could at least consider adoption.
 The whole process cant be easy but abortion can be the same way living with the fact that you could have brought a brand new life to the world. As she explained that there are many people whishing to adopt a child someone cant take care of financially and emotionally. If someone cant take care of a child then they should rethink that someone else can.
  I think that some girls may have abortions because they are too young or are ashamed of being pregnant but like Denise said there should be some kind of organization to help people through situations like that. Abortion is a easy way out for people that don't want babies or have to deal with financial problems after having a baby that they don't want to deal with. Having support and having a good head on your shoulders can save so many lives and can also change someone's point of view.

U.S National Goverment

 I think the National Government can be a little messed up but then again its our only hope for any changes. The National Government doesn't take care of every single problem that we have but I believe that they take care of what they have to. There are different branches to the government of course and they take care of different problems and rules.
 A lot of people dislike the Government but if anyone else did it they would get the same hatred. Its hard taking care of the whole nation being only a certain percentage of the nation taking care of the nations problems. Whatever the Government does does affect the whole nation but if it were anyone else it would affect us the same way.
  Having to take care of everyone can be a very hard job but I am in agreement the Government can do some stuff to mess up everyone. Everyone feels so in control that they cant control their huge problems and it upsets them that they are having their rules being placed out for them.
  If anyone wants to control huge problems that they have they should do it in a positive way and make them selves heard.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Minimum wage issue(Blog stage 4)

In the article Raise the minimum wage to $14 an hour using this one wierd trick! By Ann Coulter, She writes about minimum wage being a problem right now having Obamacare being the issue. She seems as she's writing to society dealing with minimum wage jobs. Do people seem to have a problem with minimum wage now that there is Obamacare? I think way before Obama was even president there was a problem with minimum wage, Some people think they work too hard to just be earning minimum wage which is $7.25. It is a small amount but is it because of what the company is making or is that how the government just wants it to be? She explains that its so low because of
the Democrats' policies. A lot of jobs offer more than minimum wage so there are many opportunities to get out of that situation. It has brought down many of our wages but there are reasons immigrants come to make money and to make a better living. There are other things we have to worry about like having taxes taken out of our check for unemployed people.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Substantial Commentary or Critism

I read an article published by Ann Coulter, New Obama promise: If you like your life you can keep it. They writing is directed towards Obamacare and liberals noticing the problems with it. Saying if people knew the truth about Obamacare before voting for it, they wouldn't of. She stresses that if Obama misspoke the claim, it strange it would have been misspoken over and over again as he explained it. Keeping your insurance with your doctor and having Obamacare was worded incorrectly, She says it was not an accident it was clearly on purpose. It was hard for anyone to vote or make their mind up because they couldn't find the truth because the minute they heard something the media would call the critics liars. I think before the people could even vote they should think of what they believe and what their political views are based on their insurance and if they would want anything changed based on what medical insurance they were using:what doctor they had, and if they were okay with having a different doctor. The number or older people and younger people that have Obamacare are not evened out, they base it off who has it and who doesn't but I think it matters if your already satisfied with what insurance you have and if you haven't already had medical insurance.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Los Angeles Times Article

I read an article Los Angeles Times published on February 7, 2013, Beck finds cops violated violated policy in Dorner mistaken-ID shooting.The Los Angeles police chief found that the eight police officers were in the wrong on opening fire on two women in a truck on their way to deliver copies of Los Angeles Times. They were on the search to find Christopher Dorner, and ex-LAPD officer that has been killing other police officers. I think its a pretty informative article because it opens eyes to how paranoid and how much pressure police are under. They didn't follow the departments policy. They are on a manhunt for Dorner but are un-able to catch him before he hurts anyone else. They are under great pressure but can have consequences for not following policies. They fired at the truck that looked similar to Dorners more than 100 times, thinking he was in it, Its informative to think clearly before you make a big decision no matter what kind of pressure your under.