Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Los Angeles Times Article

I read an article Los Angeles Times published on February 7, 2013, Beck finds cops violated violated policy in Dorner mistaken-ID shooting.The Los Angeles police chief found that the eight police officers were in the wrong on opening fire on two women in a truck on their way to deliver copies of Los Angeles Times. They were on the search to find Christopher Dorner, and ex-LAPD officer that has been killing other police officers. I think its a pretty informative article because it opens eyes to how paranoid and how much pressure police are under. They didn't follow the departments policy. They are on a manhunt for Dorner but are un-able to catch him before he hurts anyone else. They are under great pressure but can have consequences for not following policies. They fired at the truck that looked similar to Dorners more than 100 times, thinking he was in it, Its informative to think clearly before you make a big decision no matter what kind of pressure your under.

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